Friday, October 06, 2006

Proton Syndrome in Local Film Industry

Here we go, again! Not another Proton case! I'm just pissed off with all these stupid regulations. And I'm tired of this pathetic mentality. This time it's FINAS. It has set a wajib tayang policy, for cinema operators to screen seven Malaysian made films in November and December. As a result, operators must allocate their biggest halls for our local flicks and give foreign movies the backseat. What the hell, la? It just doesn't make sense.

Why? Why do we need such protection? Why must FINAS do this? Can't they see what's happening with Proton now? It's been over 20 years, and they still can't walk without the Government holding their hand. Don't FINAS see they are spoiling the industry? Like what Dr. M used to say, look at the root of the problem.

WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Our local movies SUCK! And we don't want to admit it.

HENCE? No support from local crowd.

HOW TO CURE? Do homework and make good quality movies la, if possible to go and sell to overseas market, as well.

Here are some of my interesting findings-

1) Like what I've wrote previously (Creativity Limited?), our film makers are only looking at ways of making quick-money. They don't care about the long term. Same as the pathetic Proton Co.

2) Our film makers don't do extensive research or homework before producing a film. Same as Proton, just look at their R&D. s...a...d.

3) Our film industry people can't get a job outside the country, be it directing or acting (except for Datuk Michelle Yeoh and Angelica Lee) Same as Proton. Can't sell their cars outside the country as well (except for Australia and war torn country, Iraq, itu pun jadi kereta polis!)

4) Films produced nowadays - lack quality, bad directing, pathetic acting, sad script, etc. Hey guess what? Same as Proton. Lack quality, bad parts, sad engine, etc.

5) Same actors, use over and over again. Example: hero - Rosyam Noor, Awie & Yusri. Proton, same car models, produce since 1985 till today. Example: model - Iswara, Wira

6) Both need Government intervention to survive. Wajib tayang and car import tax.

Can you see the resemblance?

I know it's easier to just say than done, but that's the real truth. When are we going to learn to face the facts, pick up the pieces and stand on our own? It's time to grow out of this mentality. I'm proud to be a Malaysian and I'm sure as hell want to be proud of our local made products! But I don't see that in the next change!


Anonymous said...

Sayang, you should take over Proton and FINAS. Hehehehe...

Azmir Ismail said...

Kau kutuk Cicakman ? :P bagi can la dulu beb .. heheh

Azeril Zolle said...

Bro, The name itself is already sad. CICAKMAN? So many other things, they had to choose cicak? Hahahahahaaa...